
GIPF beneficiaries called to register

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GIPF beneficiaries called to register

The Government Institutions Pension Fund will officially stop payments to beneficiaries, including pensioners, spouses and children who are not enrolled on the fund’s new biometric enrolment system by 28 February 2023. 

The GIPF announced the decision to suspend benefit payments during March 2023 in a press statement earlier this week. This will also affect all those members who entered retirement at the end of January 2023. 

The fund launched the new biometrics enrolment and verification system on 1 August 2022 and has since embarked on nationwide outreach to raise awareness and enrol pensioners and affected beneficiaries to secure their monthly pension benefits going forward. 

According to GIPF CEO David Nuyoma, “enrolment on the biometric system is key to ensuring that the fund pays benefits to the rightful beneficiaries and on time. On average, the fund pays N$220 million per month in pension benefits and fully understands the safety net this provides to many Namibian families.” 

As such, pensioners and beneficiaries are encouraged to enrol with GIPF’s mobile teams which are currently in the regions as per the daily radio announcements, as well as at regional offices countrywide, without delay.