
RMB Namibia wins award for Best Trade Finance Provider

Home Business RMB Namibia wins award for Best Trade Finance Provider

Staff Reporter

Windhoek-RMB Namibia’s Trade and Working Capital division was recently recognised as the Best Trade Finance Provider in Namibia by the Global Finance Magazine. The award was made based on a number of factors, including transaction volume, global coverage, customer service, competitive pricing and innovative technologies – all of which are part of RMB Namibia’s solutions-driven ethos.

RMB Namibia has been hailed for being at the forefront of providing innovative trade and working capital solutions, which are not only critical for importers and exporters to reduce commercial and settlement risk, but correctly used also improve the business cash flow cycle and enhance profits. While the generic use of traditional trade instruments goes back a long way, the increasingly uniqueness of commercial transactions/contracts demands that trade solutions are accordingly tailored to meet the requirements of trading partners.

“In simple terms, trade finance allows buyers and sellers to optimise the cash flow value of transactions by using trade instruments, like a bank guarantee in the acquisition of goods and services. The subsequent reduced transaction risk enables the parties to agree better payment terms,” says RMB Trade and Working Capital transactor, Jason Shikalepo. He joined the bank last year after working for the public and private sectors where he negotiated a number supply and off-take agreements with local and international firms.

“To illustrate, trade finance benefits the supplier who can raise cheaper debt against correctly structured bank payment guarantees, whilst the buyer draws comfort that payment will only be made after pre-agreed milestones have been reached,’’ adds Shikalepo.

RMB Namibia’s aim is to partner with clients in structuring their short-term funding requirements to allow working capital to be released to the business. This can either be invested in inventory, extend the debtor payment terms or reduce creditor payment terms.

“We use our global relationships and platforms, combined with our local insights across industries and sectors to provide solutions for businesses in all sectors,” says Shikalepo. “We recommend that importers and exporters consult with their bank prior to agreeing on payment terms to discuss whether solutions exist to boost working capital for both parties.”

RMB’s Trade and Working Capital division has recognised the need for innovation, encouraged by the RMB group as a whole. ‘This is reflected in the way it does business, the way it services its partners, and the way it mitigates risk through solutionist thinking’.