
Reflecting on 2022

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Reflecting on 2022

This is what they had to say:  

Radio Presenter:  Azeal ‘Cheeze’ Matsoarelle

How have you stayed afloat with your mental health this year?
Honestly, for a 80s baby growing up in the 90s, therapy was never mentioned. So, for the last two years, I have been going to therapy, and it has been the most amazing experience in my life. It’s not about staying afloat because every day is a challenge mentally and emotionally, but learning the coping exercises and implementing them and discovering so much about yourself, really makes you a different person. I would encourage anybody to first find yourself, and how you do that is to unpack your deepest, darkest trauma, whether from childhood or recent events.

What were your highlights of the year or the industry you create in?
There are so many – (Windhoek mayor) Sade Gawanas being locked up, because I never heard of a mayor being locked up. The recent Swapo central committee elections that went down. But what really stood out for me is Beatrice Masilingi wanting to get rid of Oom Henk, the guy who discovered her, but money makes and does different things to people. Also, Harry Simon Junior – watching him box was exciting, so this was a year of discovery.

What did you accomplish this year that you’re most proud of?
I would say rediscovering and being me again, having had to fix and protect the brand Cheeze at all costs is what I did. At the end of the day, it’s paying back. It was just about having patience. The accomplishment was getting back to being number one on the airwaves again.

What event or person made your year?
The one person whom I thought would never get married, got married (chuckles). I also never thought I would become this person I have become to being calm and collected, so the biggest highlight would be when to and how to.

What was the biggest lesson (s) you learned this year?
I learned the biggest lesson about myself, and it all came into fruition of the uninterrupted and dedicated hours of wanting to fix my shortcomings. I got in my adulthood or enforced because of the environment I was lacking in certain areas. So, the greatest discovery was finding myself.

What was your word/saying for the year?
“As die lewe jou druk…Dan druk jy terug,” – Daniqah

What was your favourite creative piece/project this year?
My creativity or creative process took a huge knock in 2021, but rediscovering it was not easy. So, when it came to it, I have really done very minimal in that department.

What changes did you make this year in support of your creativity?
As alluded to earlier, having had to know one’s true self and calling constitutes redirecting and exploring your artistic expressions. It comes with how you express your creativity. So, all I can say is tune in 06h00 -10h00, and hear the creativity.

What project have you put off that you really want to do?
The stand-up comedy show that I had to shelf because of legal action and issues I had to rethink. Anyway, it’s loading.

What do you wish you knew before getting into the industry?
The majority of so-called ‘Black’ radio stations are owned by people of European descent, and the salaries Namibian media houses are prepared to still pay personalities are peanuts. Had I known that it was always all about the money, then I would have probably ended up being a lawyer.