
Geingob heaps praise on late Kavara

Home Front Page News Geingob heaps praise on late Kavara

John Muyamba

Rundu-President Hage Geingob says the late Rosa Kavara has served her region and her country with distinction, through the ruling Swapo party.

Kavara’s burial took place on Saturday at Mupini village in the Kavango West Region.
The community of Kavango West, and the Ncuncuni constituency in particular, had lost a hardworking cadre the president further said.

Geingob made the remarks in a statement read on his behalf by Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry John Mutorwa at the late councillor’s memorial service in Rundu.

“I am therefore saddened by the early departure of our selfless and loyal comrade,” Geingob said, and added, “The late comrade Rosa Kavara has dedicated her lifetime to service, education, rural development and to women’s empowerment.”

The late Rosa Kavara served as a member of the Swapo Party Women’s Council, and at the recently concluded 6th Swapo Party national elective congress in November 2017 she won election to the party’s central committee.
Geingob – elected Swapo president by the same congress – said the nation should be consoled by Kavara’s enduring legacy, and by her strong leadership.

“On behalf of the government of the Republic of Namibia, my family and on my own behalf I convey my deepest sympathy and condolences to the late Kavara’s bereaved family, her dear mother, children, grandchildren but also to the people of the Kavango West Region during this difficult time of mourning.

Ncuncuni constituency elected the late Kavara as its constituency councillor, on the Swapo party ticket, during the 2015 elections.

She was successfully nominated to represent the Kavango West Region in the fifth National Council where she served as a Member of Parliament from 2015 to 2020.

Prior to her appointment to the NC in 2015, she served as a member of the Fourth National Council for Kavango West Region from 2010 to 2015.

From 2011 to 2015, she served on the Standing Committee on Regional Development and Reports and on the National Council Women’s Caucus as well as, as a member of Swapo Party Women’s Council central committee.

Kavara also served on the Standing Committee on Rules and Orders, Standing Committee on Women’s Caucus, and at the time of her passing she was the chairperson of the Standing Committee on Audit – a term that would have lasted
until 2020.

She was born on 22 February 1958 in Nakazaza village in the then Kavango Region and is survived by her mother, four daughters, one son and grandchildren.