
Opinion – Tribal courts should be guided by honest and integrity

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Opinion – Tribal courts should be guided by honest and integrity

Sibuku Malumbano

Prejudicial is usually negative. It may influence the way some members of the communities may behave towards certain people, and the expectations most societies have to some. This can be very dangerous. Prejudice can become dangerous if it is spread on a large scale.

Therefore, tribal courts should be very careful if negative things about a specific group are repeated over and over without looking at the merits and demerits of history, then we have to be extra careful. Especially if no one counters these ideas, more and more people may end up believing the prejudice.

Negative prejudices that are common in most societies and in tribal courts can cause tension between groups, or result in groups of people being discriminated against or treated unequally on the basis of, their background, skin colour, or religion and that when applied is clear discrimination. If members of a particular group perceived a minority are often told that they don’t belong, they may have trouble sustaining a positive self-image.

There is a chance that some of them will turn their backs on society. History should have taught communities and tribal establishment especially tribal courts that, what can happen when prejudice is spread by the power that be, for instance, when those perceived to be close to tribal establishments want to win favors. That is when people are excluded and persecuted, and that is when prejudice becomes extremely dangerous.

How does prejudice come about?

From an early age, societies learn to categorize people by their clan lineage. Societies learn differences between man and women, old and young. And that there are people with different skin colour or religion and by extension different interests given the opportunities to influence by hook or crook. Categorizing people is convenient, because it keeps things simple.

Moreover, it allows establishments to assess new situations. Establishments should learn at an early age to make all kinds of connections between groups of people and the way they behave. With prejudice, establishment assume that all members of a specific group will behave in a certain way as per their expectation which is very wrong decision. It is always good to have preconceived notion of the outcomes of the prejudice exercise always.

Is it bad to be prejudiced?

Stories that are passed on often form a basis for prejudice. Perhaps establishments should read or always fact-find something about a specific group. Perhaps something has happened to them, or perhaps they should have picked all kinds of stories and actual history. Without considering the consideration of the groups stories, establishment can make a prejudiced against different groups.

An unpleasant experience with one person from a certain group of people can make the establishment to make a prejudiced move against the whole group and against all the individual people in that group. As long as that only happens in some people’s head, it is much of a problem. Prejudices are the ideas and opinions that one develops in his or her head to advance his or her egos towards a certain group.

As long as nobody express one’s prejudice and as long as nobody act on them, nobody will notice them but the truth has no disguise and politically is noted that truth is very stubborn. Furthermore, many people are not aware of their own prejudices or they believe they should be allowed to say anything they want. If they let themselves to be guided by their opinions, and do not base their ideas on facts or never adjust them, prejudices can become quite obnoxious. Have someone ever heard a prejudice about themselves or about a group they belong to or want to belong to?

Then one will know that hurtful and insulting remarks can have a lot of impact. Establishments should man up their game to serve their communities equally. Peace and goodbye 2022.