
Oshakati battles stray cattle

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Oshakati battles stray cattle

The Oshakati town council has implored cattle and other livestock owners to refrain from letting their animals graze in town. According to the local authority, stray animals in town lead to unnecessary traffic jams and accidents. 

 The town is battling the dire increase in the number of cattle, donkeys, and goats roaming the town’s streets in search of grazing. 

The town’s spokesperson, Katarina Kamari, said council is aware that boundaries include communal land, but that should not be used as an excuse for the animals to graze in town. She said the council cannot allow animals to freely roam the streets. 

“Recently, the town council was accused by farmers around Oshakati of starving animals which were impounded,” she said. 

 “The truth is that most of the cattle belong to elderly people, and to pay for their cattle to be released is another challenge. It also takes extra cost to feed the cattle impounded.” 

Kamari further urged farmers to cooperate with the authorities. “We are pleading with livestock farmers to cooperate, look after their animals and make sure they do not stray into town or remove those that have already strayed into town,” she pleaded.  

She noted the presence of animals is not only contrary to municipal by-laws, but also poses danger to motorists. John Shikongo, a taxi driver, expressed concern over cattle crossing busy roads, especially at night when visibility is limited. “We have made peace, sharing roads with animals in town.  What can we do if people responsible for their animals are not doing anything about it,” he said.
