
Take off with Travel Hub Namibia 

Home Youth Corner Take off with Travel Hub Namibia 
Take off with Travel Hub Namibia 

Wilhelmina Iimene 


Retrenched when Covid-19 hit Namibia, three young travel professionals with over 30 years combined industry experience, opened Travel Hub Namibia, a corporate travel management company based in Windhoek. 

They are Elvis Nakale, Hendrina Ashetu and Annie Lin. 

“After the arrival of Covid-19 and when it became apparent that our former employer will not continue with the operations of the business, our former travel operations’ manager saw a gap to still continue serving our clients,” Ashetu told Youth Corner.

When the pandemic storm settled a bit, they pooled resources together and opened Travel Hub Namibia, specialising in corporate travel management, but they are also keen on leisure travel arrangements. 

Their client base is wide, ranging from private companies, government ministries, agencies, parastatals as well as UN agencies. The agency also works with renowned travel platforms and systems and is affiliated with industry bodies such as ‘Sure Travel’ to not only bolster their credibility but to access competitive fares and rates. 

Ashetu, who is a co-owner of Travel Hub Namibia, said she strives for excellent service provision and building client relations to enable the best-suited travel and holiday experiences. 

“Having spent nearly a decade in the travel service industry, I understand the value of client relations and getting the best deals for them as I seek to understand their professional and personal travel needs,” she said. 

Ashetu said her mantra is “passion, service and travel”. A new stamp on her passport excites her more than anything and is happy that the travel restrictions have been lifted. For her, that means that she now gets to do what she loves the most. 

She advised potential new entrants into the industry that it is never too late to start. 

“Take small steps at a time, serve your present clients as kings or queens and keep a keen eye on your finances. A good client is the one who pays…and on time,” she stated. 

“Covid-19 has shown that time waits for no man, but then again; time should not be a dictator of when one should start what. One should not hold back on following their dream because of the belief that they are too old or too young to do something. Do it anyway.”

Their services can be found on Instagram @travel_hub_namibia or through their website, TravelHub-Experience Life. 

– imenewilly@gmail.com