
Another gong for inspirational Dr Ndume

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Another gong for inspirational Dr Ndume

Rose-Mary Haufiku


Chief of ophthalmology at the Windhoek Central Hospital and SEE International partner Dr Helena Ndume is set to receive an award during the 104th Lions Clubs International Convention in June 2022.

The Lions Humanitarian award classified as the association’s highest honour is given to an organisation or individual who has made outstanding humanitarian contributions. 

Ndume will be honoured for her humanitarian service and medical contributions to the world, which she has been doing since 1995.

The prize includes a Lions Clubs International Foundation grant of up to US$250 000, which translates to over N$3 million. 

This is given to support ongoing humanitarian efforts.

Ndume will join a list of notable previous honourees that include Mother Teresa, former US President Jimmy Carter and Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr Denis Mukwege.

Since 1995, Ndume has dedicated her life and career to treating blindness and low vision, both in Namibia and throughout the developing world. 

“For so many people, living with preventable blindness makes all the difference in whether or not they survive or starve,” she said. 

Ndume has performed more than 35 000 eye surgeries free of charge in Namibia, Angola and around the world. 

Her relentless drive, unyielding commitment and inclusive vision distinguish her as an extraordinary nominee and true hero. 

Ndume has received many local and international awards for her work.

She was recognised, celebrated and honoured by the New African awards in 2017 as one of the African women who have had an exceptional impact and influenced change in her country. 

The awards were held in Dakar, Senegal. 

The same year, Oukwanyama Queen Martha Mwadinomho ya Kristian Nelumbu awarded her for her selfless dedication, and in appreciation of the work she continues to do. 

“I am truly honoured to receive the Lions Humanitarian Award. My biggest goal in life is to end preventable blindness, and to build a team of committed young people that will continue to fight against it so that even when I am not here, they will carry on that mission,” she was quoted as saying in a statement announcing the Lions Clubs award this

Douglas X Alexander, president of Lions Clubs International, said they are honoured to deliver the award to Ndume, whose work is changing lives and having a significant impact on the world.

“Ever since Helen Keller challenged Lions to help preserve the precious gift of sight in 1925, Lions’ work continues in preventing avoidable blindness and improving the quality of life for people who are blind or visually impaired,” he said in the statement.