
Gen Z voters’ fun walk a success

Gen Z voters’ fun walk a success

Namibia’s population of three million mainly comprises 2.1 million young people.

 The youth in Windhoek, through a fun walk campaign, enticed their fellow mates to register to vote in the upcoming Presidential and National Assembly elections in November.

The event, which was organised by the Tukwatha Youth Organisation, does not only aim to promote and boost voter registration, but also foster unity amongst young Namibians.

Hendrina Kudhingililwa, president of Tukwatha Youth Organisation, stressed the purpose behind the initiative, stating that they saw the need to organise a fun walk to provide a positive and engaging platform for the youth to get together, discuss important issues, and feel empowered to participate in democratic processes of the country. 

“I am very pleased that our efforts were part of the contributors to this significant achievement. The 91% voter registration rate is a remarkable testament to the commitment and engagement of our community. Seeing such a high level of participation is truly inspiring, and reflects the hard work and dedication of everyone involved. This majority turnout gives us great hope for the future, as it indicates a strong desire for active involvement in shaping our society,” she said.

She reiterated that the event served as a platform to promote health in a fun and interactive manner.

“The fun walk was a success, with a good turnout of energetic and motivated young participants. The event highlighted the youth’s eagerness to be involved, and to make a difference in their communities,” she said. 

She added that voting is a fundamental right and responsibility. 

“It is crucial for the youth to vote because it ensures their voices are heard, and their interests represented. By voting, young people can influence policies that affect their lives and contribute to the country’s progress… Encouraging youth to vote is an important step towards creating a more inclusive and forward-thinking society. While voting alone may not solve all economic and unemployment issues, it empowers the youth to advocate for policies that support economic growth, job-creation and better opportunities for all,” she noted.
