Swakop murder trial resumes after long delay

Home Crime and Courts Swakop murder trial resumes after long delay

Roland Routh

Windhoek-The frequently adjourned start to the murder trial of two men accused of brutally killing and raping a Swakopmund resident in September 2005 resumed in the Windhoek High Court yesterday, with the uncle of one of the accused testifying.

The trial of Kingsley Dausab, 45, and Michael Tsowaseb, 42, which was scheduled to have started in 2011 already suffered various delays due to a number of reasons, including the no-show of both accused, which led to their bail being cancelled and their being remanded in custody.

On Tuesday, Inspector Jeffrey Urib, who said he is the uncle of Tsowaseb, testified that he was called by the father of Tsowaseb on February 10, 2006, who told him that he had information about a murder that was committed in Swakopmund the previous year.

According to Urib, he drove to Arandis from Usakos where he was stationed, to meet Immanuel Goagub, the father of Tsowaseb, who resided in Arandis.

Upon his arrival in Arandis, he said, Goagub told him that his son (Tsowaseb) had confided in him that he and Dausab had murdered a woman with the surname Owoses in Swakopmund in 2005.

Dausab and Tsowaseb face charges of murder, rape, violating a dead body and theft for the gang-rape and murder of 34-year-old Menesia Owoses at Swakopmund during the night of September 3 to 4, 2005.

The cause of death was given as strangulation and it is further alleged they violated her body by cutting/stabbing her neck and private parts with a broken bottle, stone or other object, and by inserting an object into her privates, as well as by having sexual intercourse with the corpse.

Both men pleaded not guilty at the start of their trial on March 31, 2015 before Judge Nate Ndauendapo.
Inspector Urib told the court this week that after he received the information he went to Swakopmund the next day and shared it with the unit commander of the Swakopmund Crime Investigation Unit, Inspector George Xoagub, in the presence of other police officers – Sergeant Litota, Constable Ndinda and Constable Amadhila.

After he narrated his story, Urib said, Xoagub despatched Ndinda and Litota to the residence of Tsowaseb to bring him in for questioning.

They arrived back at the police station after about 45 minutes and Xoagub introduced himself, told Tsowaseb the reason for him being there and warned him of his constitutional rights, Urib continued.

“Tsowaseb immediately wanted to talk,” Urib said, adding that he insisted he wanted to tell the truth about what happened on the night in question to get “relief from the pressure”, but Xoagub stopped him and told him he has the right not to incriminate himself.

When Tsowaseb was asked about the whereabouts of Dausab, he at once indicated that he was willing to show where Dausab was staying and he, Litota, Ndinda and Amadhila together with Urib left for the residence of Dausab, the court was told.

Upon their arrival at Dausab’s shack, Urib said, Ndinda went in and after a short while came out with Dausab, who carried a pair of sneakers in his hand.

After that they went back to the charge office and that was the last he had to do with the case, except for fetching the clothes of Tsowaseb at Tubisis where he had sent it after the rape and murder, Urib informed the court.

Inspector Xoagub will take the stand today.
Braam Cupido is representing Dausab, Mese Tjituri acts for Tsowaseb and State Advocate Erich Moyo is prosecuting.