
Grade 10, 12 results expected on December 21

Home International Grade 10, 12 results expected on December 21


The Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture has announced it will release the Grade 10 and 12 higher level full-time and part-time results on December 21 after the timeous marking and processing of the examination data.

Further, the ministry announced the Grade 12 ordinary level results would be released no later than January 13 next year.

This year, 50 012 candidates comprising of 38,277 full-time and 11,735 part-time candidates were registered for the Junior Secondary Certificate (Grade 10) examination at 706 junior secondary schools and 144 part-time tuition centres. The number of Grade 10 full-time and part-time candidates this year increased by 1,023 (2 percent) if compared to 2015 candidates.

Last year, some 48,989 candidates, comprising 37,457 full-time and 11,532 part-time candidates, were registered for Grade 10 examinations at 1,674 schools and 216 part-time tuition centres.

The number of Grade 10 full-time candidates and part-time candidates last year increased by 2,643 (5.7 percent), compared to exam data for the corresponding period in 2014.

Spokesperson of the ministry of education Johanna Absalom noted the number of markers who were involved this year in the marking of Grade 10 answer scripts was 1,716, which is slightly lower than 1,914 that marked during 2015.

Absalom revealed that 14,743 of the 65,863 candidates (full-time and part-time combined) entered for one or more NSSC higher level subjects compared to 13,172 of the 61,159 candidates (full-time and part-time combined) who entered for one or more subjects at the same level during 2015.

The number of higher level candidates increased by 1,360 or by 10 percent when compared to 2015. Two hundred and forty markers were involved in the marking of the Grade 12 higher level subjects.

She said tremendous progress had been made by the Directorate of National Examinations and Assessment (DNEA) to bring the release of the Grade 12 ordinary level as near as possible to the Grade 10 and Grade 12 higher level results, hence the date’s announcement.

The results will be available on the website of the DNEA (www.dnea.gov.na) or through the website of the ministry of education (www.moe.gov.na).

The results can also be accessed by sending a text message with the title of the examination (for example, JSC), followed by the surname and first name of the candidate. The following procedure should be followed when using the SMS service. Send a message which gives the name of the examination, e.g. JSC followed by the surname and first name of the candidate.

Such request should be sent to any of the following numbers: 2929, 99099 or 55755.
In response a candidate’s surname, name and results will be displayed on the screen of their mobile phones.

The website (www.dnea.gov.na) will be updated with the exam results, by December 21, as from 00h15.
The ministry reminded all candidates, who sat for the 2016 national examinations, to have their candidate numbers ready in order to access their results.

Meanwhile, regional offices will during office hours supply the results from the broadsheets to candidates and relatives who personally visit their offices or phone them.