
ACC probes Bukalo land deal

Home International ACC probes Bukalo land deal

Katima Mulilo

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has launched an investigation to determine whether there was corruption involved when the Bukalo Village Council resolved to sell a chunk of land measuring 15 hectares to the fiancée of Charles Siyauya the chairperson of the village council.

The Bukalo Village Council sold unserviced land measuring 15 hectares for N$187 000 to Laurel Estate Developer owned by Matilda Kahimbi Jankie the fiancée of Siyauya. While another piece of land measuring the same was sold for N$1.2 million to Bukalo Academy and the planned Zambezi University.

In an interview with a local newspaper in October, Siyauya stated that he was never at any given time involved in the sale of the land and that he had even recused himself when the matter was discussed – and that he was “as clean as a newborn baby”.

The case of alleged corruption was reported to the ACC by its suspended CEO Martin Limbo who accuses council of being corrupt. He says the selling of land to its chairperson’s fiancée is one of the corrupt activities unfolding at the council and that it led to his suspension.

Contacted for comment the director general of ACC, Paulus Noa, confirmed a complaint was lodged with his office.
“I do not have details to provide on this matter, except to inform you that the allegations indicate to us that there is reasonable ground to look into such allegations. The decision has been taken to investigate the allegations. Whether there is substance that will come out in the course of the investigation [or not, will still have to be seen],” he said.
Sources close to New Era revealed that investigations are at an advanced stage.