Toto, a woman extraordinaire realising her business dreams

Home Business Toto, a woman extraordinaire realising her business dreams


Her name is Toto. Toto Kamukuenjandje, and you will have to look far to find a more ambitious, self-driven and motivated woman than this farmer, entrepreneur and business person from Aminuis.
Toto is bringing her kapana to the annual Okamatapati Show, which started in all earnest yesterday, and her table was soon crowded by the early birds at the show. “I don’t brag when I say my kapana is going to cause waves at the show. I introduced my special recipe at the recent Katutura Expo and it proved a winner,” she noted with conviction as she cuts strips of the specially prepared meat.
Toto started from humble beginnings in Aminuis but she had a dream of becoming a farmer and business person from a very young age. She went to school in Windhoek and seized every opportunity to learn more about the meat industry.
“I initially worked as a cashier in Windhoek but all the while I paid attention to my dream and I saved every dime I could lay my hands on. Things took a turn for the better when I acquired a piece of land through family contacts and dream number one was done and dusted when I bought my first livestock to start farming. I began cattle and small stock on a very small scale but my business sense helped me to make some wise and profitable decisions and eventually I was able to acquire a small butchery in Katutura and realise dream number two. I still bring all my meat from Aminuis to my butchery in Katutura which is doing well,” she says.You just have to believe her when she says “meat is my business”. “Namibians are meat eaters and although meat prices are predicted to rise steadily in the years to come, profit is good and I am able to sustain my farm and my meat business,” she adds. Toto says she is working on dream number three, and looking at her enthusiasm and drive, this would come true sooner rather than later. And that dream is to own a much bigger butchery in the heart of Windhoek.
“While at the Okamatapati Show this week I am in constant discussions with influential people and my kapana is key in realizing dream number three. It is going to happen,” says the remarkable woman. Toto explains that not all kapana is the same. “My elders taught me a secret recipe and I stick to that. I started to branch out from Aminuis where I did good business as farmer, entrepreneur and meat supplier and I will use the Okamatapati Show as platform to launch my next dream,” she says with the same conviction that has made her so successful.
Her meat will be available for the duration of the show that will reach a highlight on Saturday after the final judging of livestock.
“Then it will be party time, and my kapana will feature prominently. It will be on the plates of every person attending,” Toto assures everyone visiting the show this week.