Industry Loop: Radio this December!

Home Time Out Industry Loop: Radio this December!

Unfortunately not everybody can afford to take a holiday in December. People who are involved in special services such as crime prevention, medics, fire fighters, etc. will be making sure that while 90% of the country goes wild just to harbour regret in January as a consequence of December’s wild behaviour, that systems are still in place when everybody returns in January.

However, that’s not what I want to talk about. Instead I want to focus on a very intrigued relationship that will form this festive season between people who will not be getting a holiday and radio. You see one thing you must understand about radio is that it is a 365/24 hour trade. Radio must ALWAYS BE ON. ALWAYS! This is necessitated by people who will NOT be getting holidays this festive season. Something needs to keep this people going.

Remember this special breed of people have not seen their family members in Omdel or Kuisebmund for the whole year. And now they still need to work through the festive season.

They know that it needs to be done. That’s the career path they choose. But lest not forget that they are also human regardless of how well they have been drilled to excel in their line of work. That human factor needs to be appeased one way or another. The only other way that is SAFE, LEGAL and LIVE is radio. These people need radio. And radio needs this special breed of people. Radio presenters that will be on duty this December must know that their primary target audience will drastically change. The market that will be left listening to them will be people who are involved in special services country wide.

Speak to these folks. Doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, street cleaners, sea workers, truck drivers, police and traffic offices, etc. These people need the radio and its programming along with its music to keep them sane. Thank goodness for radio. Dear corporates. We are not omitting you from this conversation. As a matter of fact…this special breed of people still need to eat right? They still need to brush their teeth right? They’d also want to buy a new phone right? Do not forget this market. Radio has access to this market. Place adverts strategically and capitalise on both fronts this December. I salute every career woman and man that will not see a single day of rest this festive season. You are champions!
Until the next Loop, we say #GMTM

Song of the week: Ace ft. K’Chinga: Summer
Flop of the week: ANYTHING by Mo-Wa

Its year-end function time! Book NSK to MC or provide sound for your company/organization/firm’s year-end function. Contact NSK for a quote at
@naobebsekind (twitter)