
United Stars must pay my money, says Nguvauva

Home Sports United Stars must pay my money, says Nguvauva


United Stars’ hard-tackling defender Mervin Nguvauva yesterday launched a scathing attack on the management of the Rundu-based club, accusing the management of unprofessionalism and lacking basic knowledge on footballers’ rights.

Speaking to New Era Sport from his tiny rented room in Katutura, an evidently frustrated Nguvauva demanded a total of N$12 000 in unpaid wages from United Stars.

“I have not received my monthly salary since March but despite all that I still went ahead and openly offered my services for the better part of the club’s matches. I also enquired from club management about my wages. The situation continued until one day I refused to pitch up for the Mighty Gunners match and further refused to play the remaining games until I was paid in full, but nothing was forthcoming,” said a clearly dismayed Nguvauva.

“Since no positive news came from the club’s side, I then decided to explore other avenues which led me to the doors of the Namibia Football Players Union (NAFPU). I explained the whole situation to them and the club’s refusal in not wanting to pay my money. The union promised to fully follow up, but now I’m still waiting for feedback from them as well.”

Nguvauva, who at a certain stage was left with no choice but to dodge his landlord due to insufficient funds to settle his monthly rental, added that the club’s management don’t attend to his phone calls nor do they even bother to reply to his text messages.

“I’m still contracted to the club and thus they have an obligation to pay my salary for the services I offered in those months. What they are currently doing is a direct breach of contract. Anyway, since my contract ends in October, they must just release me so that I can join another club.

“They are standing in my way.” Approached for comment, United Stars spokesperson Bernard Sikeba was quick to leap to the club’s defence, labelling Nguvauva a trouble-seeking boy with no good intent.

“That boy is a trouble seeker who is out to tarnish the good name of United Stars. He is lying through his teeth. We do not owe any player money nor do we have players that are unpaid.

“All our players’ salaries are fully paid and they have even already resumed with training as we speak, so Nguvauva must stop lying to people and not run to the media for unnecessary attention,” fumed Sikeba. “If he wants to be released, the club will gladly do so, even tomorrow or now if he wants.

“He must stop pestering the media and unions, why doesn’t he call us and launch his complaints with us? That’s totally unacceptable and childish, we don’t have time for such people, especially that boy!” said Sikeba.