
Dr Lemmer takes FNB Classic Rugby Clash cup for 7th time

Home Special Focus Dr Lemmer takes FNB Classic Rugby Clash cup for 7th time


Dr Lemmer High School maximised home-ground advantage to record a resounding victory against cross-town rivals MK Gertze in the final match of the FNB Classic Rugby Clashes in front of an enthusiastic crowd in Rehoboth last weekend.

The fired up Dr Lemmer squad walloped their clearly out-of-sorts opponents by 56 points to 6 in a one-sided encounter.

Vicky Muranda, FNB Group Manager Corporate Communications, said it was an exciting match and applauded Dr Lemmer for their efforts, adding that the school has proved their mettle once again.

“This is a clear demonstration as to why they have been crowned FNB Classic Clashes rugby Champions, for the seventh year running. Dr Lemmer were just too strong for their opponents, while their commitment and hard running style of play was a marvel to watch”.

John Carl Hess of Dr Lemmer High walked away with the Namib Mills Hero award for academic and sports achievement, while enterprising centre, Hillian Beukes, also of Dr Lemmer High was awarded the prestigious accolade of Man of the Match.

Meanwhile, the FNB Classic Clash between HTS SS and WBPS, which was due to take place on July 25, has been postponed to September, the month in which the final three football matches will be played.

“We will now take a well-deserved breather before we bounce back for the final stretch on September 4, 11 and 12, with the last rugby match tentatively set for September 19, 2015,” Muranda said.