
Rape cases reported every week

Home Crime and Courts Rape cases reported every week


The police have opened cases of rape every week since January.

Figures show that from January 24 to July 19 one to five rapes were reported to the police each week.

The Namibian Police spokesperson Deputy Commissioner Edwin Kanguatjivi told New Era that one rape is just too many. “There are cases that go unreported. What about those (victims) who are silent,” Kanguatjivi remarked.

He said the stats could be higher as each weekend not all regions report crimes committed in the particular region and the central command merely compile the figures they get.

However, Kanguatjivi noted that among the figures the police do get false rape reports.

Sifting through the incidents he said a total of 40 rape cases involved people known by the victim – either a stepfather, neighbour, or someone living in the same house but not related to the victim. Victims were also raped by unknown persons or gang raped.

Among the reports was a case of sodomy, where a suspect entered a school hostel for boys, undressed the victim, closed his mouth for him not to scream and had sexual intercourse and then disappeared.

Regarding schoolgirls being raped while walking from school, he advised schoolchildren to walk in groups rather than alone to prevent any perpetrator from attacking.

He also urged victims to report any rape committed by someone close to them rather than be silent.

“The perpetrator may think it (rape) was consensual and continue with the crime. They (rape victims) should stop blaming themselves, saying it’s their fault.”

He said women should also avoid walking alone at the night when they stay out till late.

Kanguatjivi said when it’s late a woman should make arrangements with someone – or people – she trusts to accompany her home.

On incidences of gang rape, Kanguatjivi said young people need to be educated to respect the dignity of others.

He said such education can be included in school curricula or church programmes. He said gang rape often stems from acts of revenge, alcohol or drug abuse.