
Cyclist injured in road accident

Home Crime and Courts Cyclist injured in road accident


Police in Oshikoto Region opened a case of negligent and reckless driving after 17-year-old Werner Fillemon was hit by a Toyota Land Cruiser.

The incident, in which the teenager sustained superficial injuries, took place over the weekend.

The vehicle was driven by Christof Constantin, a resident of Oshifukwa village in Oshikoto.

Fillemon was admitted to Omuthiya hospital where he was treated for his injuries.

In an unrelated matter a case of culpable homicide was reported in Tsumeb after Robert Kheimseb, 42, was bumped by a car while he was trying to cross the road. Kheimseb died on his way to the Tsumeb hospital after medical personnel at the scene failed to resuscitate him.

The incident happened last week on Friday at around eight in the morning. The next of kin of the deceased have been informed.