
Conclusive historical perspective to settle debate

Home Opinions Conclusive historical perspective to settle debate

Our position is to submit the name of our candidate (Brother Hendrik Ismael Witbooi) as the successor of the late Captain Rev Dr Hendrik Witbooi before a well-organised meeting with the majority of the clan members is held. The Namibian Judicial system can be used to prove the legitimacy of our candidate as successor of late Captain Rev Dr Hendrik Witbooi. It must also be ruled out the members of the concerned group are not the only members of the royal house as they’re pretending by excluding others. This delusional belief will only hinder the selection of the clan leader.

Our group has a conclusive historical process document on hand as far as the selection is concerned. This certainly and customarily only points to our candidate Brother Hendrik Ismael Witbooi as the true and only successor. There are no other documentary directives, as we have already exhausted the research channels.

The customary historic selection, starting from the very first Captain, is in our possession and we need to desist from in-fights, fending only further derailing of the process. This whole process is currently just a “hide-and-seek-game” strategy with no validity and that holds no water.

And this delay in the selection of a successor is running on the last straw of the community’s patience.

As per the final dialogue between the Acting Chief, Mr Christiaan Rooi, and the late Captain Rev Dr Hendrik Witbooi; the last words from the late Captain Rev Dr Hendrik Witbooi were “Let the clan decide as I was also selected while in prison”. The disrespectful treatment of Mrs Johanna Sofia Witbooi (widow of the late Captain Rev Dr Hendrik Witbooi) is now getting out of hand as she has no interest in the residence in which she was married. This house will very soon just be another white elephant if the elders of the community and the clan leaders fail to address this matter. The children and some elders of this house have no respect for the widow. Please, let this not be tolerated any longer. If you need to be accepted the way you are, please do the same to others and let us not throw stones if we are leaving in glass houses.

The author of the concerned group’s recent article, please be informed that you have tarnished the charisma and integrity of our father and leader the late Captain Rev Dr Hendrik Witbooi. You were given wrong tools and bullets by your supplier to shoot our candidate Brother Hendrik Ismael Witbooi. You have no idea what is happening in this debate, thus you are requested to distance yourself from this debate. You are in very risky zone in which you deserve a severe punishment, and we are going to identify you soon to account on your injustice against our former National leader and Namibian hero.

In an earlier media release of Namibian Sun by Mr Fred Goeieman, it has been indicated that Mr Johannes Richter sees a chance to impose himself on the Witbooi Royal House. This was or is a pure misleading statement and needs to be rectified as follows.

Who is Mr Johannes Richter?

He is the son of Magdalena Richter (Ho’s)

Who is Magdalena?

She is the daughter of Katrina Witbooi married to a Jantze

Who is Katrina?

She is the daughter of Hendrik Witbooi (Auta Meester)

Who is Auta Meester?

He is the son of Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi (Auta !Nanseb)

People we are talking very quickly especially when we don’t know things and even when the ball is not on our side. Let us please refrain from this ill habit.

We hope and believe that this information has opened the eyes of everyone, especially the family members of Mr Johannes Richter.

He is the most senior male elder in the Witbooi Royal House and he is catering desired tranquility and justice with his knowledge in this succession talks.

We took liberty in calling the names of our late senior elders to rectify this matter as well as in the overall article, for this we apologise and pray that their souls rest in eternal peace.

In conclusion, we would like to notify the clan and our Honorable leaders in government that we are trying our best to co-operate with the accountable traditional authority in this regard. We had a meeting with the traditional authority on 12 July 2014 in which we requested a clan meeting for their contribution to this sluggish debate. The above-mentioned meeting was chaired by Councillor Jacobs [Sentimob] with the majority of the councillors present.

Unfortunately, all our attempts and correspondence to the traditional authority were in vain and this again warrants vote of no confidence in the traditional authority.

Johannes Richter
Senior elder in the Witbooi family