
Response on Swapo has lost ideological direction

Home Opinions Response on Swapo has lost ideological direction

AT no point in time did we expect one of our own veteran Swapo senior leaders to publicly proclaim “SWAPO has lost ideological direction” in a newspaper – open cards of The Villager newspaper.

The last time we heard these kind of words was in 2007 when Hidipo Hamutenya was resigning from Swapo pronouncing, “I feel that I can no longer be part of a team that has lost its vision and focus.”

Now Cde Ngarikutuke Tjiriange says Swapo has lost ideological direction because of those at the helm of preparing a certain document of the party.

He is quoted to have further stated Swapo Party must “desist from instituting the zebra style (50/50) without due consideration.” These are strong words and cannot be left unchallenged.

Naturally, it was and still is expected of the Swapo Party Tanganyika Group to call their age mate to order or to seriously reprimand Cde Tjiriange. The Swapo Party inner life dictates that we must not criticize the party outside its structures and its established procedures.

Or is The Villager newspaper now an extension of the Swapo Party establishment or structures? It is a tested fact Swapo Party is the most democratic party on earth and permits constructive criticism and self- criticism but this has to be done within Swapo Party structures. One wonders what Cde Tjiriange was doing or thinking when the agenda item of 50/50 gender representation zebra style was under discussion and it was extensively discussed and endorsed by June 2013 Extraordinary Congress. Why is he raising his concerns only now? If he was one of the SPYL delegates, then we could understand him because we were not welcome at that June 2013 Extraordinary Congress. Although we forced our way in but we were still not acknowledged to be present and not even allowed to open our mouths.

Some of us were even singled out and verbally warned that if we do not voluntarily exit the venue then, the police will be called inside to evict us from the venue forcefully.

Thank God because that did not happen and we mutely attended the Extraordinary Congress. However Cde Ernest Tjiriange was present and afforded the opportunity to speak like all non-SPYL delegates who were present. We remember on that specific day Cde Tjiriange was frequently seen moving in and out the congress venue.

What surprises me the most is Cde Tjiriange knows the Swapo Party Constitution better than we do?

He knows exactly that Chapter 11 of the Swapo Party Constitution, Article IV, Rights and Obligations, reads that it is a duty of a Swapo Party Member – 1. (c) To put forward proposals and defend his or her opinions before a decision is reached on the matter under discussion.

2. (e) To observe and comply with decisions, resolutions and directives of the majority, even though he or she might have voted against them or held a diverging opinion during the discussions.

In 2002, Cde Tjiriange was Swapo Party secretary general and these are some of the lectures he taught us SPYL members in Zambezi Region immediately when he assumed office.

Furthermore, it will be interesting to know from Cde Tjiriange at which point did Swapo Party lose its ideological direction? Is it during the time when Cde Hifikepunye Pohamba was elected Swapo Party President or during the time in power of Cde Sam Shafiishuna Nujoma? Or was it during the time of the late veteran Cde Moses Garoeb? (May his soul rest in peace) or is it when Cde Ngarikutuke Tjiriange was the secretary general or during the time of Cde Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana or is it during Cde Nangola Mbumba‘s era or is it because just because Dr Hage Geingob is about to enter State House or where exactly? He should tell us.

In conclusion, we ought to remind our highly respected senior comrade that we are at the centre of political mobilization. Our expectation is a 100 percent win come November 28, 2014 – all Namibians must vote for Swapo Party and our presidential candidate Cde Hage Geingob. It is necessary that all our energy and time must be directed towards gaining new political grounds in Otjinene Constituency, convincing undecided voters in Daures Constituency, attract new memberships among the born-frees and not to engage in unnecessary ideological warfare.

As our leader you must be exemplary and continue to convince people to unite and share a common ideology, vision and mission of the Swapo Party. Together we must make Swapo Party a desirable political home of all peace-loving Namibians.