Chinese businessman drowns in Kunene River

Home Featured Chinese businessman drowns in Kunene River

RUACANA – A 23-year-old Chinese businessman drowned in the Kunene River at Ruacana on Sunday, with both residents and the police fearing his remains have been eaten up by a crocodile seen in the vicinity before the tragedy struck.

The victims had travelled with fellow Chinese friends from Oshakati, Okalongo and Outapi for a Sunday party at the river.
However, the group’s enjoyment came to a shocking standstill when their friend was swept away by a strong current. By yesterday, his body was still missing amidst fears that crocodiles might have eaten it up.
One of the group members told New Era they saw a crocodile on the other side of the river while they were still partying, and it is feared the reptile might have helped itself to the drowned man’s remains.

Public Relations Officer of Omusati Regional Police, Warrant Lineekela Shikongo, told New Era that the victim and his friends were standing in the river when a strong current came in, causing him to drown.
Shikongo said a friend tried to rescue the victim but the water current was too strong and swept him into the deeper part of the river.
The police was informed and arrived at the scene immediately but their efforts in tracing the victim proved futile.
The victim is said to have come from Yan Qian town in Saming City of Kujim Province in China. He has been residing in Namibia for the past three years.
When New Era arrived at the scene of incident yesterday morning, the police, some Chinese nationals and Nampower officials from Ruacana were hard at work searching for the body of the victim.
Some of the Chinese nationals were also assembling hooks and fishing rods on their canoes in order to join Nampower officials in search of the their friend who is now believed to be dead.
The spokesperson of the Omusati Police warned visitors at large to respect the warning sign at the river side.
“There are warning sign boards at the river side and people must always adhere to the warning signs,” Shikongo warned.
He further explained that the Kunene River is dangerous and has no secure space for swimming and partying.
Shikongo said that apart from the strong currents, the river is also infested with dangerous crocodiles who can attack visitors.
He is said to be the second person to have died at the same spot in the past two years. In 2012, a local tourist died allegedly down while having a leisure time with his friends. The only part of the body that was discovered was the torso and the legs.