
Lüderitz Crayfish Festival a resounding success

Home Business Lüderitz Crayfish Festival a resounding success

By Tuulikki Abraham

LÜDERITZ – In a bid to out-do itself in its trademark exhibition, the Lüderitz Town Council hosted a breakfast meeting with stakeholders last week Friday to do a post-mortem on the Lüderitz Crayfish Festival that took place in April this year.

According to the mayor of Lüderitz, Suzan Ndjaleka, the turn out at this year’s crayfish festival has once again proved that it (festival) is getting bigger and more popular, and therefore contributing to the economic upliftment of the town.

However, as the festival develops the need for bigger and permanent venues to accommodate all activities for the festival has become a challenge for the Lüderitz Town Council. The mayor said the current venue, the Waterfront Harbour Square, although a magnificent site might not have the capacity to accommodate the festival in the near future.

“Attendance at the business conference was good and with improved organisation could add more value to developments of the town,” said Lüderitz Town Council Chief Executive Officer, Aunie Gebhard.

On the entertainment front, she said performances were well arranged although the festival could not attract key targeted artists, as the event dates coincided with the NAMAs.

Gebhard also reported that the launch and fundraising gala dinner for the Crayfish Festival, earlier this year, was well attended raising N$134 000 in the sale of table and dinner tickets, while N$664 152 was received through pledges and table sales.

She further reported that out of the 145 exhibitors who applied at the 2014 Lüderitz Crayfish Festival, 95 made their payments and 32 of them were corporates, 10 SMEs were from outside Lüderitz and 53 SMEs from Lüderitz.

According to the analysis, the number of exhibitors was satisfactory and complied with the aim of adding value to the festival. Different corporates added the element of information sharing, brand positioning and marketing of services and products available in different sectors.

Next year’s festival is planned for the first week of May.