
Unam centre named after Angola’s Dos Santos

Home National Unam centre named after Angola’s Dos Santos

By Nuusita Ashipala

ONGWEDIVA –The University of Namibia has renamed its Engineering and Information Technology campus in Ongwediva after Angolan President José Eduardo dos Santos, himself a trained engineer by profession.

In a media briefing held at the campus on Wednesday, the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Namibia, Professor Lazarus Hangula, said that the renaming is a symbol of African solidarity.

“This naming is not a mere token of appreciation, No, it is a symbol of African solidarity and the downfall of segregation, violence, racism, injustice and the suppression of God-given liberties,” said Hangula.

Hangula said the renaming only refers to the campus, but the faculty remains the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.

According to Angula, the renaming recognizes the special individuals that assisted Namibia with attaining her freedom from oppression.

“As a nation that is now maturing and strengthening, Namibia must recognize those who have moulded her,” said Hangula.

Hangula said that universities should be a haven of peace and tranquility where students unhindered are able to devote their whole attention and efforts to deciphering problems for the sake of human progress and socio-economic development.

The engineering campus is home to 263 students and 28 academic and library staff, among many other staff at the campus.