
Minister announces plans for Rundu court upgrade

Home National Minister announces plans for Rundu court upgrade

RUNDU – Justice Minister Utoni Nujoma has announced plans for the upgrading of the Rundu Magistrate’s Court, situated in Kavango East Region.

Nujoma made the announcement while addressing his ministry’s staff during his familiarisation visit to the region.

The purpose of the visit was for him to see and explore the daily challenges that his ministry faces in Kavango East and Kavango West.

The justice minister began his visit in Rundu, where he visited the magistrate’s court on Tuesday.

He was briefed on some issues Kavango East is facing regarding the ministry’s mandate, before proceeding to visit community courts in the two Kavango regions.

During the visit, Nujoma told the Rundu court staff that he previously had the opportunity to familiarise himself with the challenges the ministry is going through and he came back to familiarise himself further.

Nujoma further elaborated that his interaction with directorates enabled him to appreciate their problems.

“I am determined and I will make sure you get the necessary support and equipment that would enable you to perform and ease your workload,” Nujoma said.

According to the justice minister, the ministry is also reviewing the impact of providing agency services to other ministries as well as surrendering all agency functions, which are currently performed by staff of the lower courts, to the relevant line ministries, adding that by doing that it will allow staff to concentrate and focus on their core duties.

The justice minister further informed the Rundu staff that the ministry has increased the number of magistrates at some stations to be able to cope with the workload at specific courts, however he urged the magistracy to appreciate that a lot will depend on their ability to be innovative in coping with the challenges of their work. 

The current backlog in the Rundu court is 999 cases and according to Nujoma it can and will be reduced drastically once the new magistrate joins the Rundu court in September next month.

He added: “I am informed that the Rundu magistrate’s office is in the process of being upgraded if resources permit in the next financial year, and this will create a conducive environment to work in,” he added.

The Rundu court currently has a shortage of office space, accommodation and courtrooms. 

The other need, according to the deputy prosecutor general, H.K. Haindobo, is maintenance investigators as they have many cases which require investigations.

He said that sometimes irresponsible fathers claim they don’t work and have no money to pay maintenance or they say they have a lot of other responsibilities and the court has no way to find out the truth. Currently there are 8 290 child maintenance cases pending at the Rundu court.

The justice minister also visited community courts around Kavango East and Kavango West where he assured that there will be change and effective training regarding assistance to community courts.

Nujoma was in the two regions the whole of last week.

By John Muyamba