
Customer complaint

Home Business Customer complaint

I bought a fridge in December 2013 – the fridge worked fine for the first month then it started over-freezing. This continued for two months. I defrosted it on average every second week until I decided it couldn’t go on like this. I contacted the furniture store from which I purchased the fridge and they sent a technician in mid-March who came and pressed the rubber back because it had peeled off. This however didn’t solve the problem because the rubber was bent and two weeks later it peeled off again. Since then I struggled for almost three months for them again to send a technician. During this time I called a few times and even showed up at the office to get this sorted but only received empty promises. I had to first speak to the acting manager for the complaint to be sent through to the manufacturer around three weeks ago

Last week, they finally sent someone, but guess what … they turned up at my place without letting me know. I heard the next day that I refused to let them into my place to look at the fridge – all this happening while I was unaware of the event as I was at work. I spoke to my landlord and heard that they were at my place but she refused to let them in ‘cause I hadn’t given any instructions of that kind. Which makes sense, as I wasn’t even contacted on Monday.

They finally phoned on Wednesday last week at 12:50 to inform me they are on their way to my place. I had to cancel all my responsibilities to rush home so I can receive them. I got home at 13:10 and they made me wait till 13:50. As you can imagine I was furious. The technician working for the fridge manufacturer had a look and advised me that the fridge was over-freezing ‘cause the door wasn’t sealing shut. He told me they did give feedback to the furniture store the next day. I had to follow up with the retailer at 11:00, as they just don’t phone back.

The manager advised that it is up to the manufacturer and there is nothing he can do. I waited till Tuesday, 18:40, this week, after they promised they’d pick it up the Monday, after 14:00, to take it to the workshop. The manager promised to have it back the same day – that’s the Monday.

On Wednesday, when I hadn’t heard back from them I went to the shop where I had a rather disappointing meeting with the manager. He told me it would take another day for the manufacturer to come back to him.

I asked him what happens in the meantime as I’m without a fridge which is a necessity. He told me it isn’t his problem. It is now the manufacturer who has the responsibility.

I told him I didn’t pay the manufacturer; I paid the store he works for. He then went on to tell me that after the sale is made, it is the responsibility of the manufacturer to sort out technical issues as per the contract I had signed.

This wasn’t even explained to me and they didn’t even hand me a contract. I asked him why this wasn’t explained to me, but he simply replied that it should have been explained.

I got back to my office and phoned the South African office (of the furniture retailer) about refusing to give me a loan fridge while they are busy with my fridge.

About two hours later they phoned to inform me a fridge was on its way.