
Trigger-happy soldier in court

Home Crime and Courts Trigger-happy soldier in court

By Tunomukwathi Asino

WINDHOEK – Jona Amalwa, 26, a member of the Namibian Defence Force (NDF) attached to 211 Battalion in Suiderhof quickly transformed from hero to villain after he fired shots in attempt to stop a fight in a bar.

He allegedly fired two shots from his private pistol, which landed him in the soup after the bullets injured two people.

He was denied bail when he appeared in the Katutura Magistrate’s Court yesterday.

He faced charges of attempted murder.

Sergeant Slogan Matheus informed the media on Sunday that on Sunday morning at about 00:30 at Tycoon Bar in Shandumbala location, Amalwa allegedly discharged two warning shots from his private pistol to break up a fight and the bullets struck two people – 21-year-old George Hoffman and 16-year- old Ruchard Kakuva who were standing outside the bar.

The matter was remanded to 16 September for further investigations.

Amalwa was denied bail by Magistrate George Mbundu. Anthony Wilson represented the State.