
Jobless youth concern German MPs

Home Featured Jobless youth concern German MPs

By Mathias Haufiku

WINDHOEK- A German parliamentary delegation that visited Namibia this week said it was worried by the high unemployment rate amongst the youth in the country, adding that the German government would be more than willing to help address the problem.

The Namibia Labour Force Survey 2013 indicates 41 percent of the youth in the country are unemployed and the increase in unemployment is attributed to a lack of, or low qualifications.

Budgetary Committee of the German Parliament member, Dons Barnett, said yesterday at a press conference that the delegation observed there is a high youth unemployment rate in the country.

“We would like to help the youth by training them and coming up with projects for them, “ she said.

Germany is known as one of the countries with the best vocational education training systems in the world, and Barnett says vocational training is one of the areas in which the German government can assist Namibia when it comes to fighting youth unemployment.

Asked whether there are any specific projects the German government would initiate or fund in Namibia in the near future, Barnett said: “The committee just receives proposals from the various ministries in Germany for funding approval. But if there are any projects related to Namibia, we will look at those projects with open eyes and we will welcome them.”

She added: “The German government would like to invest in the population and the future of Namibia, and we will continue to do so. Although there are budgetary constraints, seeing that most of the German-funded projects here have been implemented so well, I do not foresee any problems.” 

Barnett further stated that the German government remains committed to help Namibia enhance and stabilise its economy.

“We are aware of the past between Namibia and Germany and we acknowledge our responsibility,” said Barnett.

Having arrived in the country on Monday, the delegation, which was accompanied by officials from the Federal Ministries of Defence and Foreign Affairs, held talks with high-ranking  Namibian government officials. The visit was aimed at evaluating projects implemented within the framework of military equipment aid funded by Germany.

Barnett further stated that the delegation was very impressed with the stable democratic environment in Namibia and lauded its peace.

“Namibia is really a light in Africa because it is stable and peaceful, even better than some of the countries in the western world,” she said.