
MTC wants speedy investigation of match fixing allegations … NFA watching with hawk eyes

Home Featured MTC wants speedy investigation of match fixing allegations … NFA watching with hawk eyes

By Carlos  Kambaekwa

WINDHOEK – In the aftermath of revelations on attempted match fixing in the final MTC Premiership clash between African Stars and Orlando Pirates, the league’s principal sponsor MTC has come out strongly urging authorities to launch a thorough investigation.

“We are saddened to hear about these allegations, and the fact that they are of such a serious nature. As a sponsor, we will allow the football authorities to carry out their investigation and encourage them to do so speedily so that justice can prevail,” reads a statement by MTC Chief Human Capital & Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo.

He adds that so far MTC has not interfered or put any pressure on the league authorities because they are aware the league is dealing with a rather complex issue but it should also not take ages to finalise its investigation.

“The league has ended dramatically, first the NPL was taken to court thus delaying the completion of league activities and now that it has been finalised, we are saddled with other allegations. When these things happen, it is only decisive leadership that must prevail, and this sometimes means taking unpopular decision in the best interest of football”.

Ekandjo says MTC will stand idling, at least for the time being, and see what the league authorities will decide going forward because whatever they decide will not just be a decision but one that sets precedence for the future.

Meanwhile, NFA Secretary-General Barry Rukoro, says the association is watching the developments with a keen eye and expressed the hope the law will take its normal course.