
Security guard’s bail revoked

Home Crime and Courts Security guard’s bail revoked

By Roland Routh

WINDHOEK – Martin Angamba the 44-year-old Swakopmund security guard who is accused of the murder of his supervisor will have to spend the rest of his murder trial behind bars. This is after Judge Alfred Siboleka cancelled his bail.

Martin who was out on bail after his arrest in December 2011 did not turn up for his scheduled court appearance on 17 June and following his appearance last Friday the judge did not accept his reason for previously not being at court.

Angamba told the Windhoek court he had to travel by train from Swakopmund but the train was delayed.

The judge told Angamba he should have rather departed a day earlier to avoid such delay. Angamba’s trial where he faces cross-examination from State Advocate Ethel Ndlovu is normally set down for one hour each day between 09h00 and 10h00.

On Friday last week Judge Siboleka informed Angamba who was late again that he could not allow the trend to continue as the trial was set down for only an hour each day. He said he would cancel the bail so that Angamba is at court promptly.

Angamba’s lawyer, Titus Ipumbu, informed the court he would lodge another bail application to which Siboleka responded he was welcome, but that it would be better to lodge the application before another judge.

“I will reject such application outright as the accused already misused the facility of bail,” the judge told Ipumbu. 

Angamba faces charges of murder, drunk driving, attempted murder and assault. 

The State alleges Angamba killed 28-year-old Andrew Molaletz, his colleague and supervisor, on 28 December 2011 in Swakopmund after which he drove to the offices of G4S in Swakopmund while drunk. There he allegedly pointed a firearm at Elma Bloedooght who was also a colleague of his and manning the control room.

The fourth count, of assault, also relates to Bloedooght. 

The hearing was postponed to today and 8 July from 09h00 to 10h00.