
Youth urged to fight corruption

Home Kavango West Youth urged to fight corruption

By John Muyamba

RUNDU – Katembo Augustinus, the coordinator of the Kavango Youth Against Corruption theatre group in Kavango East and Kavango West is encouraging youth to identify and eliminate corrupt behaviour.

The organization was founded on August 15 2008 and and is recognised by the Ministry of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture. It was  established following a call by the Director of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Paulus Noa on all youth to join in the fight against corruption.

The aim is for the group to play a complementary role to the ACC by providing information and educating the community at large on how to fight corruption.

Augustinussaid the challenges confronting young people in the two regions are poverty, unemployment, crime, alcohol and drug abuse and the scourge of HIV/AIDS.

“Those are causes and contributors of corruption in our region,” he said.

“As young people and future leaders of this beautiful county let us join hands in fighting this disease and enemy, before it destroys all the gains that our founding fathers and mothers  have made since independence,” said Augustinus

He also urged the various ministries, youth organizations and private sector to get together and defeat corruption.

Furthermore, he said politicians should practise what they preach, and that church leaders should also be at the forefront of fighting corruption and they need to do it “now before it is too late”.

“Youth in the two Kavango regions should join youth organizations and not be roaming about in shebeens and clubs. Inform yourself by always reading newspapers to know what is happening around you, watch TV and listen to the radio,” he said.