
Theological programme in Rukwangali

Home Kavango West Theological programme in Rukwangali

By John Muyamba

RUNDU – The Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary (NETS) launched the first accredited theological course in Rukwangali on Saturday at ELCIN parish in Rundu.

The NETS Certificate in Christian Ministry (CCM) had previously been available in three vernacular languages, namely Oshindonga, Oshikwanyama and Otjiherero. Although there are approximately 400 Namibians currently enrolled, access had been difficult for people living in the two Kavango regions.

NETS is an institution with its residential campus in Windhoek and achieved accreditation for its courses with the NTA in 2013. An NQA level 3 course targets lay leaders and pastors of churches around the country who are not able to enrol in fulltime studies at its Windhoek campus.

Kantema Domingo, the principal of Ruu-Rumwe Primary School, told the launch: “I fully encourage you to enrol in this course. You will not regret it.”

Speaking at the event, Reverend Willem-Henri den Hartog said the course aims to train Christians with the knowledge and skills to serve the church and community. The four pillars of CCM are Biblical Studies, Theology and History, Integrated Ministry, and Preaching and Leading.

Hartog who is the NETS director of the distance courses noted: “The launch of this course represents a major milestone for the Kingdom of God in the Kavango regions because, through it, Christians and churches can be resourced and equipped.”

Reverend Greeff conducted a devotion based on Acts Chapter 2, where he explained how fitting it was that a course in a Namibian vernacular should be launched on Pentecost weekend, which commemorates the pouring out of the Holy Spirit on churches, enabling followers of Jesus to present the Gospel in languages they could not normally speak.

Representatives of many different churches were present at the launch including Reverend Asser Lihongo from ELCIN who is one of the initial translators of the course and the man who translated the Bible into Rukwangali in 1987.

The Bible was translated into Rukwangali because it is the most commonly used language of the Kavango regions. It is closely related to Oshikwanyama and some Kavango dialects, including Rumanyo.