
  Song Night exudes talents

Home Art Life   Song Night exudes talents

By Selma Neshiko


WINDHOEK– Song night last week was a sprawling, gorgeous journey into the underworld of our finest local talents.

The night was filled with fresh and vibrant artists with an audience thirsty for live acoustic music. The Mc on the night was stunning Mercedes who surely knows her stuff. She held the audience alone with her impressive  skills and jests. First up was Permithias Neliath with his own compositions, and a voice beyond explanation impressing  as one of the best solo acoustic performers on the night.  Elvit Uritura added a gospel genre to the mix, even though it seemed like people weren’t so much into the song choice but that did not stop him from giving his all. Monique Brandt got everyone excited with the emotion she puts in the songs she performed and left the audience asking for more. Neptune Black entertained the crowd with his own compositions of Hip Hop before Natasha Mguni, Anati Hans and Naima Baitsile thrilled the enthusiastic crowd with classical music cover versions.

Other singers who also featured on the night were Nguwe and Esme who slowed down the vibe but at the same time kept the crowd alive.Using diverse sounds and artists really made this night, one of the live events worth attending because one never really knew what or who to expect. The various artists who performed at the song night are so personal. You can hear the artist/band expressing the emotions in their choices of songs. They were just so full of raw emotions that one could really feel it. That was the best place to scout talent.

Song night is a monthly musical evening held every last Wednesday of the month at the Warehouse Theatre.