
Lamprecht holds Pointbreak title 

Home Sports Lamprecht holds Pointbreak title 

WINDHOEK – The annual Pointbreak Open Water Swim took place at Lake Oanob Resort near Rehoboth recently, where cool weather conditions made it easier for the swimmers to excel.

Lushano Lamprecht managed to retain his 2013 title after finishing the 2.1km swim in an impressive time of 30:26, followed closely by Matthew Reinhold in second place with 32:43, while Thomas Kittel took third place in a time of 34:49. Gabriella Liebenberg was the female winner with her time of 31:20. Paddy Murphy won the master age category, while the female-15 category was won by Carissa Esslinger in a time of 36:37. Second was Heleni Stergiadis in a time of 36:41 with Mananya Mackensen in third place clocking 40:04.

The male-15 and Under category was won by Tjaart Van Der Walt, followed by twins Michael and Bruner Laubscher, who were a second apart, with times of 53:56 and 53:57 respectively. Zoe Mitchell won the senior category in a time of 36:32 and in second place was Marike Skinner with a time of 37:47 and Anita Vermeulen in third place with 39:53. Alexander Skinner won the male senior category. The veteran Skinner was also in the front pack of swimmers the entire race and ended 4th overall with a time of 32:11. In second place in the male senior category was Andrew Rowles with a time of 34:22 and Sean Moran, who finished third with a time of 35:02.

Elke Jagau won the master female category in 44:32 and was followed by Monica Ochse (45:37) in second place and Berrit Graf (49:11) in third. Gideon Nasilowski, Namibian Paralympic swimmer also competed for a second time in the Pointbreak 2.1km swim.


By Staff Reporter