
Education: Get Rid of the Dead Wood

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I was delighted and impressed at reading Andrew Matjila’s wisdom and insight in “Education Needs Complete Revamp”(New Era 3-2-2006), yet not surprised as he has over many years set an immaculate and unique standard in news commentary. A standard that demands cognizance by the powers that be, and foolishness if neglected. No one needs dwell any more and waste any more time on the ailments of the education system. It is quite clear: the present decision-makers and office-bearers in the Ministry of Education and upper echelons are hopelessly incapable of creating and implementing an education policy and system that will meet the needs of the nation. I have read in the news media recently President Pohamba’s irritability and aggravation with the situation and the persons responsible. Yet, after 15 years of independence, and after many requests and reprimands by the President, and millions of N$ (as Matjila stated) the same lame incapable people are still the powers that be. It blows my mind that responsible positions are still given to incapable and unqualified persons for the sake of politics. Cadres made their contribution in the liberation struggle. Now that Namibia is free, the struggle is to socially and morally uplift the nation. Namibia now needs qualified and able persons for this most important task, otherwise the liberation struggle was in vain, and the precious blood shed, a shame and a charge against the new rulers. We have a new President with a new vision. I pray that God Almighty strengthens President Pohamba for him to fearlessly do what is right and what is required of him for the well-being of the Nation. Appoint the best qualified and able persons, regardless of race, creed or colour, or even political conviction. Appoint able men and women who fear God, men and women of truth, hating covetousness (in other words, men and women who will not be taken to fraud and corruption). Men and women who will be an example to the nation and be respected by the nation, and especially to and by the youth. The youth are the citizens and leaders of the future. Their upbringing and education is a non-negotiable first priority. The moral and social fabric of the nation and especially the youth is also a non-negotiable first priority. An atheistic child grows up with no or low moral values. Therefore, I salute Andrew Matjila for boldly speaking out on his faith and conviction in the second last paragraph of his contribution. “Our Christian duty towards our children and community cannot be overemphasized. In all our schools Jesus Christ shall be the Alpha and the Omega.” The Word of God tells us “to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul and with all our strength. And the Word of God shall be in our heart. We shall teach it (the Word of God) diligently to our children, and shall talk of it when we sit in our house, when we walk by the way, when we lie down, and when we rise up. We shall bind it as a sign on our hand, it shall be a frontlet between our eyes. We shall write it on the doorposts of our houses and on our gates.” Therefore we shall be known by it. Why? “And all these blessings shall come upon us and overtake us, because we obey the voice of the Lord our God.” The Word also says, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked: for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” If it is good seed, sown with love, care and dedication, God promises a good harvest. If it is bad seed, sown with neglect and disinterest, the harvest will be dismal. Our children have always been good soil, a gift from God. We shall have to answer for their destiny. It is in the first instance the responsibility of parents (God’s instruction) to bring their children up in the fear of God, and for the State/Government to be the flag bearer of a God-fearing nation. The State/Government must create the correct environment (secondary and tertiary institutions of education) for the youth to be educated in. And then building a strong economy where its qualified youth can be an asset, not a burden or liability to the country. I read recently that for Namibia to attain Vision 2030 the economy has to grow at an average annual rate of 12% from now until then. I venture to say that under present policies and governance this is day-dreaming, a complete illusion. Again, President Pohamba, get rid of dry/dead wood, and be bold to do what is required and what is right. Employ/appoint the best persons for the job, irrespective of race, creed or colour. It also blows my mind that in a nation, where according to publicized figures, 90% of the population claim to be confessing Christians, the State/Government openly ignores and despises God. The inauguration of President Pohamba was a secular ceremony, without scripture and prayer. What happens when a nation despises and ignores God? “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and all His statutes, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.” Then Namibia will follow the path of destruction, desperation and hopelessness of some other African nations as mentioned by Matjila. But it’s not God’s plan for Namibia. God says He will be a light unto the Nation of Namibia, and Namibia will be a light unto Africa and the World. “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” And it must start at the top, with our Leaders ! Louis Genis Republican Party Executive Committee