
Dog Slaughter in Namibia

Home Archived Dog Slaughter in Namibia

The Windhoek SPCA is horrified to report that on Tuesday May 15, 2007 a dog was beaten to death and duly slaughtered in public in Katutura. Apparently this is the third dog to have died in this way in public. The City Police and a SPCA representative immediately investigated this cruelty report following a huge public outcry to Katutura Community Radio. The pieces of the cut-up remains were removed and taken to the SPCA, pending further investigation. In Namibia, it is not against the law to slaughter and even eat your own dog/cat, regrettably, but this should be done humanely with minimal stress and suffering for the animals. Apparently as per “urban legend” it is known that dog meat becomes tender when adrenalin is flowing so, as is to be understood, the animal has to be stressed out at slaughter to get adrenalin flowing. It is known worldwide that the slaughtering and eating of cats and dogs cannot be stopped but humane slaughtering can be enforced. The public must become aware of this unacceptable needless suffering. The Windhoek SPCA shall check for a dog licence for this animal and if none has been paid, a fine can be handed out. For any further information please contact the Windhoek SPCA at 061-238654 or spcawhk@mweb.com.na.