
Guard shoots himself at workplace

Home Crime and Courts Guard shoots himself at workplace

ONGWEDIVA – A security guard working for the northern-based security company, Shilimela Security, was found dead by his colleagues early Sunday morning at his place of work.

The guard, who was stationed at the Ongwediva Fresh Produce Hub during the time of the incident, is said to have shot himself after attempts to hang himself with his shoelaces failed. He was found with the laces tied around his neck in a pool of blood from the gunshot wound. He shot himself with his official firearm. The 20-year-old man, whom colleagues described as a very quiet person, allegedly didn’t report for duty on Saturday morning as he was supposed to because he excused himself to go and collect his salary from the office of the company he works for in Ondangwa. The company pays its guards on the tenth of each month.

The guard allegedly did not return to work at the time he was supposed to, but he did notify a colleague who ended up working his shift that he would report for work at five o’clock on Sunday morning. He however turned up at his workplace that night at three o’clock and told his colleague to go home so that he could continue the shift.

It was only the following morning that colleagues found him lying at the top level of the building, but initially thought he was taking a nap. Some time passed until the colleagues became worried about the long nap prompting them to go upstairs to wake him up only to find him lying in a pool of blood. The police were called to the scene where they pronounced the guard dead. The reasons for the suicide are unknown, since he did not leave a suicide note. His identity cannot be revealed until his next of kin have been informed.

By Kaunawe Shinana