
A. Shipena awards top performers

Home National A. Shipena awards top performers

WINDHOEK- A. Shipena Senior Secondary School hosted its awards ceremony last Friday in the school hall to reward its top learners who in April and August exams passed with good marks.

Last year’s Grade 12 leaners were also awarded. The top award went to Marius Kauta who won the Principal’s Awards. Ukarapo Karuuombe, Grade 10 won the Dux Junior award and Ndaongala Alex, Grade 12, the Dux Senior. The two Dux awards are awarded to learners who have been dominating for the past three years. 

More than 100 learners were awarded trophies, certificates and cash prizes. Trophies and cash prizes were awarded to the Dux learners and Principal Award winner, while top learners in every subject, and overall winner per grade received certificates and a book. Apart from that, the ceremony also saw learners receiving cultural awards in Environment, Sport, Leadership and Media. Helena Mboti, giving a motivational speech encouraged the learners to pay attention to their schoolwork and to know who they are.  She also urged them to find their correct role models. Apart from that, learners also staged cultural performances.