AA Namibia launches Women in Road Safety campaign

Home Front Page News AA Namibia launches Women in Road Safety campaign


The Automobile Association of Namibia has launched a Women in Road Safety programme, which was established to ensure women become active to positively influence society on road safety and safe driver behaviour. The campaign is part of the AA Namibia’s goal to ensure road safety to generally assist in the overall reduction of road accidents in the country. Women from all walks of life have been invited to join the programme.

The campaign specifically calls on women who are willing and dedicated to raising awareness of road safety issues and to educate new and established drivers about safe driving.

The programme, which was developed by AA Namibia, aims to trigger women to be part of road safety themselves and to prepare them and expand their skills when challenged. Women’s contribution in driving well at night, in the rain and passing other vehicles without fear are some of the focus areas of the programme.

AA Namibia says all women have the ability to motivate for change and are incredibility influential as sisters, mothers, wives, teachers, aunts and friends and as such are individually equipped to use this power to change driving behaviour in a positive way. “Because we advocate for road safety this programme of Women in Road Safety will, through devoted campaigns, positively contribute to safe driver behaviour and attempt to entice road users to reflect on the consequences of their actions. Women must use their caring power to make road safety a priority,” read an AA Namibia statement.

AA Namibia continued that road safety is a shared responsibility and is an issue that impacts everyone, whether it is a direct emotional impact due to loss or injury to an individual or to someone special to them or as an indirect cost to the economy.

Some of AA Namibia’s current projects include raising awareness about child safety in cars and to create general awareness regarding road safety by means of a positive message such as knowing what to do when restraining small children in child or booster seats.
“As the voice for the motorists we say its not enough just to announce targets, we believe that ambition must be backed by action, political will is highly essential, sharing knowledge and learning from successes are vital for building sustainable road safety programmes,” said AA Namibia’s General Manager, Hileni David, at the launch of the programme.