
ADM promises every citizen N$100 000

ADM promises every citizen N$100 000

Charles Ndeumane

ONGWEDIVA – Action Democratic Movement (ADM) interim president Vincent Kanyetu said the ruling party has liberated the country, but it is time for his party to fulfil the liberation agenda.

 ADM promises poverty eradication and employment opportunities for unemployed graduates.

Speaking to New Era last week, Kanyetu provided a glimpse into what was expected to feature prominently in their manifesto.

The seasoned politician said, ADM is the only political party capable of transforming Namibia, and unchaining it from the yoke of poverty.

“We thank Swapo for liberating us, but it has failed to fulfil the liberation agenda during its reign. It is the right time for ADM to achieve the goals of the liberation struggle such as poverty eradication and reducing unemployment. We did not gain independence for our people to continue suffering in poverty and unemployment,” he stated.

Kanyetu also vowed that ADM will give an amount of N$100 000 to every Namibian in every quarter as a drastic measure to uplift the people’s standards of living, should they be voted into power.

“There are enough resources in this country to give every citizen N$100 000. People will use this money to transform their lives. 

Some will start or grow their businesses. Some will pay their study loans, and people will take better care of their families,” he added.

“Every mine in the country pays a 2% tax for each resource it mines. That money is saved in a government fund that was created by former president Hage Geingob, and it is saved for future use. 

But why would you be saving for the future while people starve to death? We will give that money to our people once we are elected to power,” he added. He further vowed that his party would take thousands of unemployed graduates off the streets, especially nursing graduates, as the party plans to place a nurse at all public and private schools across the country.

“We want every school in the country to have a nurse or two, depending on the population of learners and teachers at that school. There will be a room where the nurses will be working, which will also serve as storage for medical equipment. These medical services will also be open to local people from the schools’ surroundings. We want to address the issue of people travelling long distances to go to hospitals for simple medical procedures that can be performed by the nurses whom we will place at schools. It will take a lot of unemployed nursing graduates from the streets,” he guaranteed.

ADM also intends to set up gardens at all schools in the country for schools to produce their own food to contribute to food security and promote successful learning.

“Sometimes, learners fail because they are hungry at school. That is why we are going to put up gardens at schools. Learners will have better concentration if they are well-fed, and they will perform better academically,” added Kanyetu.
