By Heike Uhrich
“African Perspective” is a cooperation project of AfricAvenir International, FNCC (Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre) and Goethe-Centre/NaDS, that will be launched tonight, it was announced in a press statement.
“African Perspectives” will show movies reflecting the wide variety of work of African film producers and of African movie productions. The movies selected come from the entire continent and many have received international festival awards.
“African Perspectives” aims at offering to the Namibian audience movies that it will not get a chance to see elsewhere. The exceptional pleasure of these movies, too rarely seen here, comes from their unexpected styles, the glimpse they offer of life in other places of Africa and the topics they address. One of the long-term aims would be to allow as many people as possible to enjoy them and feel curious about the next generation of African films and African producers.
Movies do have the power to reach beyond traditional boarders of the mind and to speak to all sorts of people. Just open your eyes and listen!
The screenings will take place at the Goethe-Zentrum and FNCC in Windhoek, and at the Katutura Community Arts Centre (KCAC) in Katutura, every fortnight.
Interested persons are invited to join the official launch of this series of movies, which will start with the screening of “Flame” (Zimbabwe/Namibia 1996, 90 Min., Engl., German ST, Director: Ingrid Sinclair)
About “Flame”:
Two young women escape into Mozambique to join the armed guerilla forces during the Rhodesian liberation struggle. As the war finally ends, Flame (Marian Kunonga) and Liberty (Ulla Mahaka) have to acknowledge that the political independence and the political changes will not fulfill what their hopes had aspired to.