
Agriculture leader Heger died in a horrific car crash

Home Farmers Forum Agriculture leader Heger died in a horrific car crash

Staff Reporter

WINDHOEK – The Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) and everone in organised agriculture last Friday took note with shock of the sudden and tragic death of Frank Heger in a motor vehicle accident on Thursday, June 7.

He was a member of the Executive Council (EC) of the Namibia Agricultural Union and the shock was even bigger as he was on his way home from the EC meeting at which he had given valuable inputs that morning. During a large part of his life Heger served the trophy hunting industry, the agricultural industry and the broad community. His passion was to make land reform in Namibia a reality and a big success and he also represented the NAU on the Land Reform Advisory Commission of the Ministry of Land Reform. His death leaves a big gap in the agricultural sector in terms of knowledge, skills and experience.

The NAU and various farmers associations have expressed their deepest condolences with his wife, Gudrun, three children and other family members.