
Alarm over cop killings; advised to get counselling

Home National Alarm over cop killings; advised to get counselling

ONGWEDIVA – The Oshana regional police commander has implored members of the force not to bottle up anger as this could result in many of them killing civilians at the slightest provocation

Commissioner Ndahangwapo Kashihakumwa was referring to an incident yesterday morning when a policeman shot and killed his wife and then took his own life at Okandjengedi.

The policeman, identified as Benhard Heinrich, was a commander at the installation unit in Oshakati. His 47-year-old wife was identified as Netesia Neumbo.

Another police officer, 49-year-old Job Hangula shot dead his girlfriend 42-year-old Niita Beata Endjala before he turned the gun on himself early in March this year.

While in Windhoek members of the force, and others, are in mourning following the death of Chief Inspector Christopher Munyika, who yesterday committed suicide due to alleged marital problems.

He worked in the police public relations division

Munyika reportedly also shot his wife in the stomach but she survived the attack and is currently in hospital recuperating from the gunshot wound.

Kashihakumwa advised members of the police force to rather seek counselling if they have problems.

The regional commander further urged force members to try to resolve problems amicably without using deadly force.

“If you have a problem, speak to your commanders, a family member, friend or a social worker – there should be one out of those people that can assist,” said Kashihakumwa.

He related that in policeman Heinrich’s case the couple had marital problems that forced the wife Netesia to seek a restriction order from her husband about three months ago.

However, hours before the fateful shooting Heinrich was seen driving a bus past where Netesia was staying with their daughter at their business premises.

After the bus drove by for the third time she got suspicious and panicked – however attempts to flee proved futile.
Heinrich allegedly fired one shot and another that hit Netesia.

“The first bullet did not hit her. She was shot by the second bullet and fell on the ground. Thereafter, Heinrich apparently got out of the bus and repeatedly shot his wife in the head,” said Kashihakumwa.

Thereafter Heinrich shot a few rounds into the air before he went behind the house to shoot himself.
Heinrich used an AK-47 and 12 spent cartridges were found at the scene.

Heinrich was on duty at the time of the incident.
Kashihakumwa described Heinrich as a people’s person.

He said a meeting with all members of the force is scheduled to take place today to counsel them and encourage them to open up when having problems.

“This is something we usually do, however we want to reinforce it while there is a fresh incident because there are people who just do not talk,” said Kashihakumwa.