
Armageddon postponed

Home Archived Armageddon postponed

John Ekongo Letter to all Namibians This correspondence herewith serves to inform Namibians far and wide that the envisaged Armageddon as foretold by Clairvoyant Sean Liebenberg has abruptly been postponed. Mr Liebenberg has instructed Eewa, as the official communication consultants to issue a communiquÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚© to outline to the Namibian nation reasons for the delay and subsequent postponement of the “end of Nami-bia”. It has come to the attention of Mr Liebenberg in consultation with Higher Authority that the country has a wide array of unconcluded activities that still need to be finalised, hence the delay. For the public’s expediency and as instructed by our client Mr Liebenberg, we now advance the reasons for your information: – The National Union of Namibian Workers is in the process of a landmark congress. Therefore, it was agreed upon by both our client and the Higher Authority that this congress should and must see its end at all cost, with no interference and favouritism. – Another landmark case is blooming in the court chambers involving a high profile former judge whose case is still in its infancy and it is believed that the Namibian nation shares a great interest in this mat- ter. By sundry and the wise wisdom of our clairvoyant it was agreed upon by all parties to see the end of this case. – A recently established body, namely the Anti Corruption Commission, in its apparent duties still has to apprehend its first victim in a post-modern-corruption Namibian society. It has also transpired that Mr Liebenberg has taken great interest in this body and has personally campaigned for more time to see the Commission in action. – The Namibian nation has also been blessed with the presence of two highly influential international stars, who are currently residing at a seaside resort at the coast of Namibia. The couple are said to be awaiting the birth of their first child, and it is against this background that our client best advises Higher Authority to allow the couple to have an uneventful birth of their much-anticipated offspring. – In a blessing in disguise, an international organisation donated N$95 million to feed orphans and vulnerable children in the country. Therefore, the country should conclude this noble gesture at all cost. – As a keen farmer himself, Mr Liebenberg has taken immense interest in the abundance of splendid weather currently being experienced in the country, consequently it was jointly agreed by both our client and Higher Authority that farmers will be allowed to continue their activities unabated. – It has also come to light that the country’s media institutions are up in arms over alleged procurements by Government in respect of advertising. With the judicious wisdom of our client he has personally requested to see the war of words between the two institutions come to a firm conclusion. – Lastly, Mr Liebenberg has procured a personal favour from Higher Authority to celebrate his upcoming birthday and thus he has campaigned vigorously as well to hold his birthday before the fall of Namibia. On a restrained note however, our client has issued a stern but friendly warning that the catastrophe will take place at a later stage. We will inform the public in due course. This is applicable on condition that the entire reasons advanced in this correspondence cease to exist or are concluded. Therefore, the “end of Namibia” is subject to these activities happening before hand and time depends heavily on the pace of the reasons mentioned. On a lighter note, Eewa does not take responsibility for the content of this communication. We however wish to enlighten the public that for more information they should contact Mr Lieben-berg via the telepathic divine post somewhere in the Highveld of Kunene Mountains, as did Eewa. Feel at ease to make Eewa your official communication specialist, in respect of all your communication for the nation. Eewa!