
Artists Invited to Monthly Meeting

Home Archived Artists Invited to Monthly Meeting

By Frederick Philander


A call has once again gone out to members of the art fraternity in and around Windhoek to attend a monthly meeting in the capital to discuss and share information about art and related matters.

“Thus far the group has remained relatively small due to the fact that is was considered a bit of a pilot initiative at first. As a result of matters arising from these meetings it has become clear that there is a growing need to expand and to reach many more people who share the vision of using the network tool for a much broader and wider agenda,” said artist John Sampson, the initiator of the project.

Anyone who would like to participate is welcome to attend and to contribute in whichever way they can.

“It would therefore be useful to let me know if you would like to be kept informed of events and if you would like to participate. This is not a club, and there is no membership fee involved. We meet on a social basis in order to promote a more dynamic arena for the arts and to address problems where we can,” he said.

According to Sampson, many artists in Namibia are concerned about certain issues that affect them personally.

“The only way to address these issues in a pro-active manner is to become involved. There are many young artists, who would like to have a forum for discussion where none exists at the moment. This is one way in which artists can impact on events as part of the development of art in the country,” he said.

Some artists prefer to work in isolation and that should be respected.

“But discussion and the exchange of ideas has traditionally been an intrinsic element of the art world and artists generally. Development and progress never happen in a vacuum so this forum is there for anyone to be part of. Our next gathering will take place tomorrow. If anyone is interested in joining us we would be more than happy to have you,” the artist said.

The meeting will be held at 11 Sauerbruchstrasse, Windhoek West.