
Author: Albertina Nakale (Albertina Nakale )

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Otjiwarongo councillors deny truancy

Otjiwarongo councillors deny truancy

Some local authority councillors at Otjiwarongo have accused fellow members of missing management committee meetings which are aimed to discuss pertinent developmental issues as these individuals apparently work outside the town.

Babatibisizwe kimezi amuunda batokwa N$12m

Babatibisizwe kimezi amuunda batokwa N$12m

Katengo ka sikiliti sa Zambezi kakabona zabutata kakupile lineulo za matente, lico, mamatiresi, macansi asileleza kuli mutu asike atiba, minshini ya ma lonji ni mafula, mulyani wakusabisa linoha, lipatela za swalelele, mashili hamoho cwalo ni milyani yakutapisa limbuzi ni tulimbalimba. 

ECN needs 1 500 poll vehicles 

ECN needs 1 500 poll vehicles 

The Electoral Commission of Namibia is in need of 1 500 vehicles to successfully conduct the 2024 general registration of voters as well as Presidential and National Assembly Elections, a situation that has left the commission with no option but to approach private vehicle owners to fill the existing gap.

Zambezi flood victims need N$12 million

Zambezi flood victims need N$12 million

The Zambezi regional disaster risk management has called on relevant sectors to provide urgent humanitarian aid in the form of tents, food items, mattresses, life jackets, boat engines and fuel, snake repellents, mobile clinics, mosquito nets, as well as disinfectants for toilets and pit latrines.


Teacher cashes in on beef side hustle

Instead of waiting for a monthly salary often insufficient for one’s needs, a young single mother based in Katima Mulilo took the bull by its horns and started selling fresh and dried beef, which currently earns her a handsome monthly profit.