
Author: Festus Hamalwa (Festus Hamalwa )

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Ka kwatwa keenghono, ka ningilwa omatilifo

Ka kwatwa keenghono, ka ningilwa omatilifo

Okaana keedula 10 oka ningilwa omatilifo kumumwainamati ndele vati te ka kwata onghonga lwoikando ya yooloka meumbo lavo. Oshingingwanima eshi osha ningwa okudja momwedi Apiilili fiyo oshivike sha dja ko momukunda Uudhiya Waakiinta moshitukulwa shaShikoto.

Nujoma a tumbalekwa medalofiku laye

Nujoma a tumbalekwa medalofiku laye

Omupresidente wotete noku li Xe Yoshiwana shaNamibia Dr. Sam Nujoma okwa tumbalekwa mefiku ledalo laye omo ovanhu ve dulife 3 000 mwa kwatelwa ovaleli veendodo da yooloka va li va ngudumana kEtunda tava tyapula edelo laye mexuliloshivike.

NWR a panga oukaume neefikola mokutota po oikunino

NWR a panga oukaume neefikola mokutota po oikunino

Ehangano loNamibia Wildlife Resorts otali lalakanene okulwifa ondjala meefikola konima eshi la tota po opologalama yokuninga oikunino meefikola. Oshikunino shotete osha totwa kofikola Oshekasheka Combined School oshivike sha dja ko, omo ofikola ya pewa eembuto doimeno ya yooloka noilongifo yokulongifa moshikunino.

Snakebite torments woman

Snakebite torments woman

Elizabeth Joseph (43) who was bitten by a snake in 2015, is urgently reaching out to the public for financial assistance.Despite social grants she receives from government, she appeals to good Samaritans to help in finding better medical care so she can recover from excruciating pain.

Nujoma honoured on 94th birthday

Nujoma honoured on 94th birthday

Over 3 000 guests, including various high-ranking officials and prominent community members from across the country, attended the 94th birthday celebration of the Founding President, Dr Sam Nujoma, at his homestead in the Etunda village in Omusati region. Nujoma turned 94 years of age on Friday. He was born on 12 May 1929.

Oshikoto learners battle scabies

Oshikoto learners battle scabies

Over 600 learners from 12 schools in the Oshikoto region have been infected with scabies. According to the education director in the Oshikoto region, Aletta Eises, infected learners have developed wounds on their hands.