
Author: Frieda Mukufa (Frieda Mukufa )

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Mavutu Conversations – Pimple on vagina

Mavutu Conversations – Pimple on vagina

I know we all want our coochie skin to look like the Fenty model’s face. But let’s face it, not everyone’s vagina has close to perfect skin. I am sure that every other woman reading this knows what I am talking about – pimples on your vagina. Let me rephrase – ordinarily normal pimples. So, what causes these? 

Mavutu Conversations – Missed your period again?

Mavutu Conversations – Missed your period again?

Have you ever wondered why you miss your periods sometimes while you know you aren’t pregnant? Have you ever gotten a pregnancy scare, knowing very well you have been in “drought” the whole time? Well, not a lot of people know this, but you might be suffering from a condition called Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). 

Saggy boobs

Saggy boobs

 I think I should just call my column ‘Taxi Chronicles with Frieda’ because the many times I have come across conversations on women from men in taxis is beyond me at this point. 

Different vulva

Different vulva

I was seated in the back of a taxi, sandwiched by two guys. With my headsets on, they probably thought I couldn’t hear or that I don’t understand Oshiwambo. One was narrating his sex story from the previous night with some girl they both clearly know.

Acne can affect your life in real ways

Acne can affect your life in real ways

I’ve had people ask me to write on acne and its awareness. I have never battled with acne. However, it does not mean I don’t have an idea of the difficulties and emotional damage it does, because I have friends who did. Although acne is regarded as a cosmetic issue, it can affect your life in real ways.

Stained panties are normal

Stained panties are normal

A few days ago, I saw a post on Facebook, where people were sharing a post of female underwear that had a change of colour.  Obviously, this was done to ridicule and spread the assumption that if your underwear has discolouring, you are unhygienic.