
Author: Reverend Jan Scholtz (Reverend Jan Scholtz )

Home Reverend Jan Scholtz
Opinion –  Downtime: A critical component of productivity

Opinion – Downtime: A critical component of productivity

When I am speaking to assembled executives and employees of a corporation, I often startle my audience by suggesting that the key to their success is in working less, not more. Relaxation is just as necessary to success as work. It is perhaps that hypothetical perfect state of existence where all of our parts and functions are in perfect order. 

Opinion –  Child marriages: A bane to society

Opinion – Child marriages: A bane to society

In many rural communities in Africa, marriage and child bearing are considered the most appropriate roles for young women between the ages of 15 and 24. Studies have revealed a strong connection between early age of marriage and low educational and health status of the individual and family marriage.