
Bank Windhoek rewards coastal estate agents

Home Business Bank Windhoek rewards coastal estate agents

WINDHOEK – Bank Windhoek’s Annual Coastal Estate Agents Awards ceremony hosted in Swakopmund on Friday, recognised J&B Estates, Golden Palace Property Centre and Ramos Realtors Namibia, as the top three coastal Estate Agencies.

June van Schalkwyk of J&B Estates won gold, while Saloom Hasanein from Golden Palace Property Centre walked away with the silver award. Claudia Lofty-Eaton from Ramos Realtors Namibia, the bronze medallist on the night.

Van Schalkwyk who was thrilled by the recognition said that with the current challenging property market, only hard work, dedication and Bank Windhoek’s support kept her team through the difficult times. “Bank Windhoek is our pillar of strength when it comes to giving vital information to our customers. Compared to home loans, Bank Windhoek by far outweighs the rest in the market, due to its high-quality customer service,” she said. 

Hasanein, who also walked away with the gold award as the Top Achiever in the Residential Category, said: “Bank Windhoek is adapting very well with the economy and the property market. The Bank has professional property staff and the integration between its departments is of the highest standards. Together with Bank Windhoek, this allows us to provide excellent customer service,” he said.

J&B Estates’ Morne Henry Human won the second prize in the Achiever of the Year Residential Category, while Lofty-Eaton of Ramos Realtors Namibia scooped up the third prize.

In the Achiever of the Year Commercial Category, the top prize went to Human of J&B Estates, while Max Schwieger of Nel’s Estates received the second prize. Retha Muller of Retha Muller Properties cc, won the third spot.

In his keynote address to the estate agents, Bank Windhoek’s Executive Officer of Retail Banking Service, Chris Matthee, said: “We have a robust vision at Bank Windhoek, which embraces the concept of creating value for our stakeholders and being partners for growth. As the only 100 percent Namibian commercial bank, a clear demonstration of our trust in the Estate Agents sector is our pride at being associated with your efforts to grow your businesses and affording Namibians the keys to their own homes, as well as setting up businesses on their own premises.”

Bank Windhoek’s Annual Estate Agent Awards offers recognition to residential and commercial estate agents, agencies and developers, from the northern, central and coastal regions, for their commitment, loyalty and support to Bank Windhoek and its customers. The coastal awards concluded this year’s ceremonies.