
Battle for Omuthiya: Swapo Party, RDP to Lock Horns

Home Archived Battle for Omuthiya: Swapo Party, RDP to Lock Horns

By Kuvee Kangueehi


New kid on the block in Namibian politics, Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) will gauge its popularity for the first time when it contests the local authority elections scheduled for Omuthiya next week.

The RDP together with the ruling Swapo Party, Congress of Democrats (CoD) and DTA of Namibia, will contest the seven local authority seats, which came into existence after Omuthyia was declared a town.

Fierce campaigns involving Swapo Party and the RDP have been witnessed at the northern town since the beginning of the year and more rallies are expected this weekend as parties make their final pleas to the voters before the elections on February 29.

The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has registered 1??????’??